Tuesday, July 7, 2015


A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015
34 weeks old - On the move

It's official, you're on the move, this photo was taking mere moments before poor Leona realised it too. Your technique isn't quite as textbook as this photo suggests, you're still doing more of an army crawl/wiggle across the ground, only occasionally getting up on to your knees, but it's only a matter of time. Your pace is picking up and your dad and I are looking around the house feeling rather defeated by all we have to baby proof and all the extra cleaning we have to do now that your dirty knees and tummy make it hard to ignore that we haven't mopped. It's definitely been a game changer for us all and I have to admit it was a milestone I felt a bit daunted by but it's been so lovely watching you being able to explore your world independently. After months of watching other babies crawl and walk around the room at baby time at our local library you were finally able to take off too, glancing back at me to give a cheeky gleeful smile every now and then. It constantly blows my mind how quickly things change, that not so long ago I could put you down and you wouldn't even roll over and now you barely stay still. As you develop these new abilities you start revealing more about your character and I just love getting to know you.

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