Tuesday, February 24, 2015


A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015
17 weeks old – four months today!

I can't quite believe it's been four months since we welcomed you into the world. Four months of getting to know you. We had you weighed and measured yesterday and you are officially off the charts at 8.7kg, well and truly double your birth weight. I'm sometimes sad that those fleeting newborn days are behind us now, but at the same time I love getting to know you, things like hearing you play with your voice - the low groans and the high squeals, bring me infinite joy. 
We went to baby time at the library for the first time this week, we both had a great time and I'm looking forward to taking you regularly. Some of the yoga babies were there too which was lovely. This weekend we're taking you on your second holiday, you're joining our friends on an annual trip to Marion Bay that we've been going on for 7 or 8 years. I can't wait for you to have the chance to relax a bit around them over the few days we're there, so they can get to see more of your little personality too.

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