Sunday, May 17, 2015


A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015
29 weeks old – You and I

This bond we have is so very special and I am so glad your dad caught this moment for us while we were out on a picnic in the botanic gardens to make the most of the last warm days before winter. 
I think you're starting to understand the concept of hugging and kissing, you definitely hug back and sometimes reach out to initiate the hug yourself and I think you're starting to do it with kissing too. You're quite independent and so impatient to be on the move but I'm glad you've got a snuggly side too, these quiet moments when you cling to me are just too lovely for words. 
You had your first fall recently, off the bed in your room, landing softly on the quilt and cushions below, not hurt but very shocked. I felt so guilty, I shouldn't have turned away from you while you were on there now that you're so wiggly. I hate that slowly you will start to realise that I can't protect you from everything, that the world isn't completely safe. At the moment you throw yourself from one side to the other reaching out for toys whenever we try sitting you up by yourself, without any realisation that if it weren't for one of us catching you, you would fall over. It's a beautiful thing to watch, your complete innocence, when I'm frustrated at other people now I remember that they were a baby once too and it helps me to reassess the situation. You've made me a better person, in so many ways, I am happier, more at peace with the world, more generous, more humble, more loving... more everything.


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