Sunday, May 3, 2015


A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2015
26 weeks old – Up High

You love being on our shoulders, it's like you know what a big kid thing to do it is. No matter your mood as soon as we put you up there you start grinning away and as of this week you've started making these little squeaking noises so when I took this photo you were doing that too.
This week has been all about food. Your first food was a few sticks of steamed carrot. You we're quite sure of the texture or taste, kind of cringing away from it but going back for more. We've since tried cucumber, broccoli, pumpkin, apple, honeydew melon and banana. Your favourite is definitely cucumber, followed by honeydew and banana. Baby led weaning is a slow and messy process but I am mostly loving it. You get especially in to food when we're all sitting around a table together and you're a bit distracted. It's so lovely watching you start to figure out the best ways to hold your food and the other day you even offered some to me which was so sweet. 

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